The Constitution of the Foothills Trail Club states three objectives:
1. To build and maintain trails.
Trail work is a major focus of our activities. Several weekends each year are devoted to work parties. They are seldom strenuous, the distances are short and there is a job for every degree of ability: clearing brush with pruning shears, hand clippers and saws; removing the cut brush from the trail; marking the route with paint blazes and improving the footpath in muddy areas and ravines. With 177 miles of trail to maintain, the Club urges its members to give a high priority to work parties. New members and guests are welcome - don't worry if you don't know what to do. Someone will be glad to show you. Your help will make a difference.
2. To aid in the conservation of wild lands and wildlife.
We try to promote conservation by education and example, by following good conservation practices ourselves, by increasing appreciation of nature through nature walks and enjoyment of the outdoors. We have an active conservation committee which keeps members informed of conservation concerns.
3. To promote good fellowship through the mediums of hiking and nature study.
This one is easy - there's no better icebreaker than a hike! Our members are a diverse group. Everyone is welcome and no one is a stranger for long. We have two general meetings each year and get-togethers after some of the hikes. But mainly we socialize during our outdoor activities.
Foothills Trail Club is a mission-driven organization dedicated to building and maintaining a footpath system known as The Conservation Trail. When participating in Club activities, everyone is expected to act maturely, behave responsibly, respect the rights and dignity of others, follow the Club's rules and procedures, and refrain from the following:
" Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well being of others or of the participant
" Discourtesy or rudeness
" Verbal (including abusive or vulgar language, swearing, name calling or shouting), physical or visual harassment
" Sexually explicit conversation or behavior
" Actual or threatened violence
" Possession or use of illegal drugs
Participants in Club activities are encouraged to take responsibility for their own comfort and safety by asking any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain from such behavior. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a person directly should report the behavior to a Board Member. The person(s) appointed by the President will research the allegations and make recommendations to the Board and report back to the complainant.
Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct may be subject to loss of Club membership.
Check out our: 50th Anniversary A Foothills Photo Album